Zitti Ordering

Ordering simplified

Directly compare prices and place orders with all of your vendors with our Order Guide

Zitti Order Guide



Compare prices

Find the best price on your most important items to lower your food costs


Chat Z

Quickly analyze and pull insights from your Order Guide with our custom AI-driven chat bot


Place orders

Add items directly to your cart and submit orders to all of your suppliers through Zitti

How it works

Order smarter with Zitti

Compare prices and order from your vendors in one place.

Order Guide item comparison

Choose your items

Items included in your Order Guide are fully customized for you

Compare prices

Quickly compare prices on like-for-like items across your current vendors

See market pricing

Get pricing insights from outside your current vendor network

Zitti cart ready to checkout

Add items to your cart

Use your pricing knowledge to confidently pick items from a conveniently consolidated Order Guide

Place orders directly to your suppliers

Submit orders to any of your suppliers via email from Zitti

Get started with Zitti

Tell us some details about your restaurant, and we'll be in touch shortly

3 ways Zitti helps you order smarter

An easier, more efficient way to order

Ordering doesn’t have to be complicated. Zitti helps restaurants streamline their ordering process. Restaurants can directly compare food prices across vendors, add items to shopping carts, and submit orders directly to suppliers through Zitti.

Compare prices across like-for-like food items to get the best available price
Negotiate better deals with Chat Z and market price insights
Add items directly to your cart and submit orders directly from Zitti

Frequently asked questions

What are the benefits of using Order Guides?


Time is money. Order Guides save you both.

If your restaurant doesn’t have a supply chain team, you’re probably spending precious hours shopping around for key items or overpaying.

Order Guides compare pricing across your vendors so you can easily identify the best price and place your order directly from Zitti.

How does Chat Z work? 


Chat Z is our AI chatbot that acts as your personalized procurement assistant. Users can query their Order Guide for pricing information, to write emails to their vendors to negotiate better pricing, or to answer specific questions you have about your Order Guide.

How many items can I include in my Order Guide?


Most Order Guides include between 50 - 100 items. Our supply chain team will work with you to customize your Order Guide and ensure we’re comparing the items that are most important to your business.

Can I make changes to my Order Guide if my menu changes?


Yes. We know many restaurants change their menus regularly. Customers can update the items included in their Order Guide as needed.

Do I need to be using Zitti Payments in order to receive your Order Guides? 


No. Order Guides can be purchased separately from our payments platform. We do strongly recommend digitizing your payments process to make your back-of-house more efficient.

How much does Zitti Order Guides cost? 


Zitti Order Guide subscriptions start with a free trial. Your monthly price depends on the number of items included in your Order Guide.

Please email sales@zitti.com for a custom quote.